MAY 2021
Lillian Larson ( Greenwood ) Post 114
The American Legion
3050 Co. Rd 496
Ishpeming, Michigan 49849
Greetings! It has been quite a while since we had a monthly newsletter, and hopefully we will be back on a regular basis. There hasn’t been much to report of any kind of events for the past year because of Covid-19.
The canteen is open daily from 3 PM to 11 PM for its members to enjoy an adult beverage. Your support is welcome. Hall rental is available for gatherings up to 100 guests. Post members have discounted rates, but general public rentals are also acceptable. To rent the hall, call Maria at 486-4074.
A car show is currently planned for June 19th. More information is included in this newsletter. Muscle cars, food and music is in the works. Come on out and enjoy the day.
A new Horseshoe League is being planned, with start date May 19th. Team sign-up is in progress. Contact person is Jeff Wood at 486-4088, or call the post and leave your phone number. Everyone is welcome to join.
There are some Covid-19 precautions still in place for all events. Let’s be safe and still have a good time. Future events are still being planned and will be included in subsequent newsletters.
No report available at time of publishing.
Kaitlyn Nault
Auxiliary President
Greetings S.A.L. & Legion Family. I hope everyone is doing well and have gotten their Covid-19 flu shot. Spring is here and, with that, we can get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Our membership is doing well – we have hit our 100% membership with a few members not yet paid up. So please check your cards for the year 2021. As always, dues can be paid at the canteen. Be sure to obtain a receipt.
We are holding off on the Hamburger Night and Sunday Breakfast until this Covid situation gets better, and we can always use more help as well, as it is always the same people who work every event.
We have posted nominations for Squadron Officer Elections in just a few months’ time. All positions are open. We encourage you to come in and sign up for a position, and to help us out.
We have several events coming up in the next few months, and we need more help to make the tasks easier for us. Please come in and see where you could be of service.
Thanks for your support, always,
Mike Michell
S.A.L. Commander
House Committee
As you are likely aware, due to the restrictions imposed by the virus for the preceding 6 months, not a lot of activity/events were able to be carried out. With the advent of spring & lowering of the infection rate, we’re looking forward to hosting numerous events during the remainder of the year. One in particular is our Second Car-ona Auto Show, scheduled for June 19th, featuring the Carp River Barn Band playing from noon until 3 PM. Free dinner for those that display a vehicle. T-shirts will be available for those that want. Brats, dogs and burgers also available for lunch.
Scott Marietti, Kaitlyn Nault, Mike Michell - Co-Chairs
Canteen News
Happy spring all!! We are happy to announce that Bobby Neimi is back playing for us the third Friday of the month, May 21st being his next appearance on the stage. Come down and listen to some music and dance the night away!!
Maria Sharland
Canteen Manager
Membership: 216 paid, which equals last year’s total. I ask you all to welcome in the following new members who joined us since the last newsletter: Brian Robb (Sequim, WA); Don Timm (Naples, FL); Richard Scott (Elgin, SC); Roger Goll (Irons, MI); Don LaForest (Ishpeming); Timothy King (Negaunee); Jeffrey Martin (Marquette); John Joyner (Sagola); Frank Rand Jr (Republic) and Earl Numinen (Michigamme). Welcome to our Family.
Taps: We said farewell to Glenn Binoniemi (Negaunee) in March. R.I.P., comrade.
Please be aware that we’ve decided to raise the annual dues for 2022 to $45 from the previous $40. Of this amount $39.50 must be sent up to Department (Lansing) and National (Indianapolis). We tried to hold off as long as we could, but are no longer afforded that luxury. New cards should be available in early July.
Post Elections were conducted at our May 4th Post Meeting. Following officers will be sworn in at the June 1st meeting: Commander: Dave Abraham; Vice Commander: Scott Marietti; Adjutant: Richard Sharland; Finance Officer: Carl Hosang; Service Officer: Rod Koivula; Chaplain: Tom Sharland; Historian: Howard Wood; Sergeant at Arms: Steve LeClair; Judge Advocate: Frank Rand Jr.
Again, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings.
Looking forward to seeing you all again at the Good Ship Lillian.
Richard L. Sharland