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                      Lillian Larson (Greenwood) Post 114

The American Legion

3050 Co. Rd 496

Ishpeming, Michigan 49849


                            AUGUST 2021                            


Commander’s Corner:


Summer is going really fast, and Fall is closing in.  Many new post activities are being planned by the House Committee for August & September.  All dates and times are included in this newsletter.  Volunteers are always needed to help out, and have a successful effect.  Should you have any available time, please contact Scott Marietti at or  © 236-0648.


Thanks to the Highway Clean-up crew for their participation in July’s event along US 41 in Champion.  They are Rod Koivula, Scott Marietti, Richard Sharland, Carl Hosang, Howard Wood, Tom Sharland, along with yours truly.  Good job, guys!


The canteen is open 7 days a week from 3 PM to approximately 10 PM.  Come in and enjoy a nice cold adult beverage (or soft drink).


Hall rental is now fully operational, and remember that all members enjoy a reduced rate.  Call the post at 486-4074 for more information.


David Abraham, Commander

Ladies Auxiliary:


Hello, Auxiliary and Legion Family.  Dues for 2021-2022 are $30.00 & payable now.  Check your cards to make sure you paid for 2020-2021, because we were 10 short of goal as of 7-29-21.  Send dues to Barb Liubakka, 2786 S. County Rd 496, Champion, MI 49814.  We also need to update our email address list, so if you now have one, please send it in, or drop off at the Legion, so we may save on postage.


The August 25th meeting will be held at Diorite Park, by the old Ely School, starting at 6 PM.  Auxiliary will provide chicken, soda pop, plates, napkins, plastic ware & serving utensils.  What we need from you is a potluck dish to pass.  We will again talk about Auxiliary programs, spaghetti fundraiser & our next craft sale.


September 14th will be the first outing we’ve had in a year and a half.  Jacobetti will be bringing pizza, and we will play bingo.  All volunteers must wear a mask.  I have additional instructions to give, as mandated by the Jacobetti Home.  Hope you are all enjoying summer & thanks much to all members.          


Wanda Westman, President Unit 114



S.A.L. Comments:


Greetings,  S.A.L. and Legion Family Members.  I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer.  Our membership is doing well, but there are some members still not paid up for 2020-2021.  So check your cards.  Our new 2021-2022 cards should be in soon, and are payable anytime.  You can pay at the Post (get a receipt) and I will get your card to you as soon as I can.


The House Committee has a lot of ideas for events at the post this summer/fall season.  The only thing missing is our post membership participation, and more individuals to help out with the events.  So, if you could find the time to lend a hand, it would be greatly appreciated, and you just might have a good time with your fellow Legion Family.


Again, we are sending our newsletter out on email to save cost, and to get out the most-timely news about our post as we can.  So, please pass the word on, to update your emails.


Thanks always for your support.


Mike Michell, SAL Commander, Squadron 114



       House Committee:        



We in the house committee are working diligently to provide the post and its members activities that promote growth for our post, and entertainment for our membership. Attached are some of the events that are planned.


August 28th:  We will once again host the Community Picnic.  One new event planned – Money Horseshoe Tournament $20/Team.  All proceeds paid out.  Contestants must bring their own horseshoes.  Open to all – men, women or mixed teams.  Pre-registration requested, but same day registration also OK.  The more contestants – the greater the purse.  Bring your friends and family so that they can have fun and share in the food and activities that will be provided.


September 11th:  We are tentatively planning a barbecue at the post consisting of barbeque pork and deep fried turkey. If you wish to bring a dish to help augment the event, there will be a sign up list posted within the post for this.


September 18th:  From 9am -1pm we will be hosting a Blood Drive at the post in conjunction with a breakfast meal. Those that donate blood will eat free. It is expected that this will be the first breakfast attempt since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic. Please come out in support of this event and partake in the breakfast (even if you don't donate blood to the blood drive).


Late October or early November : We will once again be making Cudighi in one pound packages. Price and date to be decided in the near future. As always, there will be a sign up sheet in the post for placing your order.


In December (date to be determined as well as pricing) we will be making pork pies for the holidays. A sign up sheet to be provided for your order.


House committee meetings are always open to anyone that would like to share their ideas of possible events or activities. Don't hesitate to come to a meeting and share your thoughts. We meet the last Monday of each month at 6pm. As always, we look forward to serving our veterans, post and community with these events. See you then!


Scott Marietti/Wanda Westman/Mike Michell, Co- Chair



Adjutant’s Cave:


Membership:   Final 2021 Membership 221;  New year (2022) cards filling fast.  As of today, we have 112 renewed members. 


       Taps:  We said farewell to Tom Chevrette (Negaunee) Jun 30th.                                     

                                     R.I.P.,  comrade.                                        


Anybody interested in the formation of a Legion Rider Chapter for our post, please contact me.  We are looking for any & all bikers (male/female/Legion/SAL/Auxiliary). 


Also looking for anyone interested in forming a Legion Cribbage Team.  We’ve been invited to fill a slot in the Ishpeming Cribbage League, due to the loss of one of their teams.  Games are played Thursday nights, with the new season begging October 7th.  Registration, and selection of team Captain, must be submitted prior to organizational meeting to be held at the Venice Supper Club, Ishpeming August 26th.  Sign-up sheet will be posted in the canteen.  Or you can contact me.


And we’re looking for veterans to assist in the raising of a Giant (40’ x 80’) American Flag at Camping World (formerly Hilltop RV) August 12th at 10 AM.  The flagpole stands at 130 feet.  Other military organizations will be present to make this a rousing community event.  C’mon out.


Finally, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings. Conversely, you can read the monthly report on our web site


Richard Sharland, Adjutant 






Mon 3-7PM  Tue - Fri 3-9PM  Sat 12-11PM  Sun 12-7PM  



(906) 486-4074

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/American Legion Post 114 Greenwood MI


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