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                    Lillian Larson (Greenwood) Post 114

                                The American Legion

                                   3050 Co. Rd 496

                             Ishpeming, Michigan 49849




Commander's Corner: 


Happy Holidays to Everyone. The New Year is fast approaching, and this is going to be very busy December here at the Post.   The calendar of events is listed in this newsletter.  Should you have some free time, come and volunteer -we can always use the extra help.  Donations to the mitten tree, toys for tots, and for the Jacobetti Veterans, are welcomed and appreciated.  The craft show should have an excellent turn out of vendors.   Thanks to everyone who helped make the fresh Cudighi project a successful one.  We had 350 pounds go out to the Legion members and the community.


        Santa even showed up for the Jacobetti visit on Dec. 2.         The Auxiliary also put on a great lunch for the veterans.

Have a safe and happy Holiday.


Reminder that our Post Meetings are conducted the First Tuesday of every month, beginning at 6:30 PM.  We encourage all members to attend and to share their thoughts and ideas for the betterment of the post.


David Abraham, Commander

Ladies Auxiliary:


Merry Christmas & Greetings to all our Legion Family.  Our Mitten Tree is set up in the bar to collect donations for needy families.  Bring donations of new or handcrafted hats, mittens & gloves.


Our friends from Jacobetti Vets Home will be at our post on December 2nd and December 16th, from 11 AM – 2 PM for lunch, music & Bingo.  Help is appreciated.  Let me know @ 204-6191, so we can have enough food to feed everyone.  AmVets Ladies’ Auxiliary is bringing pies for both events.


Our Craft Sale is Sunday, December 12th, from 9 AM – 2 PM.  Tables are fully booked, so come & pick up those last-minute gifts.


Our Auxiliary Christmas Party is December 15th 6:00 PM at the Post.  Potluck dinner & bring exchange gift if you wish ($15.00 value).


Kids’ Christmas Party is December 18th, from 1 – 3 PM.  Santa, Cake Walk, small lunch, photo booth & games are the planned events.  Fun for all kids & FREE.  Santa will give all kids a gift.


Wanda Westman, President Unit 114



S.A.L. Comments:


Note:  Mike is currently out of state, but has asked the following reminder be posted:


Membership continues to fill up at a steady pace.  Dues are payable at the post canteen $25.00.  Be sure to get a receipt and I will get your new card to you as soon as possible.


 Thanks always for your support.


Mike Michell, SAL Commander, Squadron 114



        House Committee:        


Greetings and Happy Holidays to you all!


During the month of December we have the following activities planned for your enjoyment.


Dec. 8th&9th:  We will be preparing pork pies for the Christmas holidays. We will be starting at 9am on each day. Volunteers are needed in order to pull this off. Please stop in and lend a hand. They will be available for sale to the public on Friday December 10th at $9.00 each.


Dec. 12th:  The Ladies Auxiliary will be having another winter craft show at the post. Stop by and procure some gifts for your loved ones.


Dec.16th:  We will be hosting a Christmas party for the Jacobetti veterans.


Dec. 17th:  Music by Bobby 6 – 10 PM


Dec. 18th:  Our post auxiliary will be hosting the annual Kids Christmas Party 1-3 PM.


Dec 19th:  Painting with Bobby from 1-3 PM.


Dec 31st:  New Year’s Eve Party 6 to 10 PM.  Music by Bobby.  10 PM Champaign toast.



Gifts for the children and veterans Christmas parties are always welcomed. Toys for the kids, and, comforters (twin sized) for the veterans beds, electric rotary razors, mittens, socks and hats are always appreciated by our veterans. Please donate what you can!


Reminder: On February 13th we will once again be putting on a Blood Drive from 9am -1pm. A breakfast will be available to those that donate free of charge. For those that do not wish to donate their blood the cost will be $10:00/ breakfast.  Please come and donate your blood. It will definitely save lives, maybe one of your loved ones, or even your own!


We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season. And, as always, we look forward to serving you in the upcoming New Year!


The House Committee normally meet on the last Monday of each month at 6pm. Please come by and share any ideas that you might have for further activities. We welcome fresh new ideas from all of our members!


Scott Marietti/Wanda Westman/Mike Michell, Co- Chair



Adjutant’s Cave:


Membership:   As of today, we have 170 renewed members (75%).  You can renew online at, mail in your renewal, or drop by the post to obtain your 2022 membership card.  And, please take note that I will be (again) departing for my winter digs in Florida later this month.  Your expeditious renewals are greatly appreciated before that time.


Again, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings.


Conversely, you can read the monthly report on Facebook: or on our website:


Richard Sharland, Adjutant 






Mon 3-7PM  Tue - Fri 3-9PM  Sat 12-11PM  Sun 12-7PM  



(906) 486-4074

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/American Legion Post 114 Greenwood MI


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