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                    Lillian Larson (Greenwood) Post 114

                                The American Legion

                                   3050 Co. Rd 496

                             Ishpeming, Michigan 49849


                            OCTOBER 2021                            


Commander’s Corner:


Greetings to Post Members.  Summer is gone and Autumn is here, so get out and enjoy the Fall Colors.  Stop by the Post also, and have a nice cold adult beverage. 


This past month was a busy one at the Legion.  On September 11th we had a Pig Roast, barbequed by Scott Marietti.  One excellent meal, with all the trimmings, for a $12.00 donation.  There was an excellent turn-out during the day.  Thanks, Scott.  Also that day, there was a Flag-Lowering Ceremony, complete with Taps, in remembrance of the tragic events of 9/11.


September 18th, we hosted a Blood Drive at the post.  A free breakfast was given to all blood donors.  This fantastic event resulted in 15 pints of donated blood.  In addition to donors, breakfast with a donation was offered to all others who came by.  Post Officers did all the work, under the supervision of our well-trained S.A.L. professionals. Another excellent meal.


September 24th saw four of our officers participate in burial duties at the Ishpeming Cemetery for Legionnaire Connolly Family.


On September 27th, our post officers, together with volunteers from the Ishpeming VFW, Knights of Columbus and local National Guard participated in the removal of individual flags from the veterans’ graves at the Ishpeming Cemetery.  They were brought to our post for proper ceremonial disposal at next June’s Flag Day.


Highway clean-up on our two-mile stretch along US-41 in Champion was done for the final time this year on September 29th.  Five officers participated, and it took just a little over one hour to accomplish. . 


Thanks again to those volunteer officers, Tom & Rich Sharland, Scott Marietti, Rod Koivula, Carl Hosang, Frank Rand, Howard Wood and Steve LeClair for giving of yourselves over the course of September.  All of these volunteered their time to ensure all of the above events were resounding successes.  Also appreciate the individual efforts of our Auxiliary and S.A.L. members who gave so freely of their time.


There will be new events listed coming up for October-November.  Volunteer your time.  Most of it will only take up an hour or two.  Call the post at (906) 486-4074 and leave your name and number.


David Abraham, Commander

Ladies Auxiliary:


Fall is here & we are busy working on our programs.  Our recent blood drive helped with two programs – National Security & Community Service.  Thanks to everyone who helped at the post for August/September events.


Upcoming events for October/November include (1) Comforter/Blanket Drive for Jacobetti Home – they ask for patriotic items.


(2) They also requested to come to our post three times on Oct 12; Oct 18 & Oct 26.  We plan to have Bingo or Music (October 18th for sure).  They will bring the food.  Plan to arrive at 10:30 to help & we should be done by 2 PM. 


(3) We will be setting up a Mitten Tree.  We are looking for new or handcrafted hats, mittens, gloves & sweaters for kids.  Let’s keep them warm this winter.  (Thanks, Joyce R. for this idea).


(4) Oct October’s meeting, we will plan our Christmas events – Kids’ Christmas Party (Dec 13th) and Craft sale (Dec 11th). 


(5) Early Bird Party is November 17th.  For those members that have not paid their 2021-2022 dues, check your membership cards, and if you need to update, send a check for $30.00) to Barb Liubakka. Or drop off at the Post.  We are still mailing out 25-30 newsletters every month.  So please send your email address.


Thanks for all you do for our veterans & our community,


Wanda Westman, President Unit 114



S.A.L. Comments:


Greetings, S.A.L. and Legion Family Members.  I hope everyone is doing well, with Fall and Winter fast approaching.  Our 2022 membership is doing well, with 29 members paid up so far.  So, check your cards to see if you are current. Dues are $25.00, payable at the Post Canteen.  Be sure to get a receipt, and I will get your new card to you as soon as possible.


We need more help with all the events we are planning at the Legion, from our Legion, Auxiliary and S.A.L. members.  We need to work together for the betterment of our Post, so as to be able to provide better service for our veterans, their families and the public to enjoy the Post and all it has to offer.


Thanks always for your support.


Mike Michell, SAL Commander, Squadron 114



        House Committee:        


The following events are planned for the month of October:  Sunday, Oct 3d, Smear Season begins  at the canteen. 


Friday, Oct 15th Bobby Niemi will once again be entertaining us with his magical keyboard from 6 to 10 PM.  Stop into the post and enjoy his performance.. you won’t want to miss this.


Sunday, Oct 17th, Bobby is back with his monthly Painting With Bobby clinic from 1 – 3 PM. 


Sunday Oct 24th we will be conducting a Chili and Baked-Goods Cook-Off.  All starts at 1 PM and continues until the food is all gone.  Awards to be given to the top chili and baked-goods preparers.


And Saturday, Oct 30th we’re hosting an Adult Halloween Costume Party, starting at 6 PM.  Prizes will be awarded to the best male and female costumes.


And lastly, be sure to mark your calendar for the first week in November Bulk Cudighi sale, building on the supremely successful output from last year.  Bill Haupt & Pete Carello return to run the production.  Sign-up sheet is posted in the canteen.  Get your name & numbers in early so we can plan quantity accordingly.  Sales will begin at noon Saturday, November 6th.  $5.00/pound.


Scott Marietti/Wanda Westman/Mike Michell, Co- Chair



Adjutant’s Cave:


 Membership:   2022 memberships  are filling fast.  As of today, we have 152 renewed members, 68%.  You can mail your renewals to the post, do-it-yourself online at or stop by and renew in person – I’m usually at the post daily from 4 PM.


Taps:  It is with great sorrow to report the passing of Tom Petrocik (Negaunee) September 12th.  The campaign is over.  Rest in peace, Comrade.


Again, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings. Conversely, you can read the monthly report on


Richard Sharland, Adjutant 






Mon 3-7PM  Tue - Fri 3-9PM  Sat 12-11PM  Sun 12-7PM  



(906) 486-4074

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/American Legion Post 114 Greenwood MI


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