JULY 2021
Lillian Larson ( Greenwood ) Post 114
The American Legion
3050 Co. Rd 496
Ishpeming, Michigan 49849
Summer is here, and it looks to be a good one. The car show was held on June 19th, and it was a fantastic event. Plenty of old muscle cars, trucks and a lot of other interesting vehicles – at least 85 showed up. There was good food, live music and many spectators. Special thanks to Brad Prisk for organizing the event; Maria the bar manager for getting donations and all the supplies; S.A.L. Members Mike Michell, Dean Stephens, Greg Grund and Tom Andriacchi for grilling the brats, burgers and hot dogs; and to all the other volunteers and personal donations that made this all so successful. If you didn’t make it, put it on your calendar for next year.
We’re pleased to have Bobby Niemi back with live music on Friday, July 16th from 6 – 10 PM. Come on by and dance the night away with your friends.
You are all welcome to join us July 25th 5 – 9 PM for Brat Day $1.00 each, and feel free to bring a dish to pass if you wish. Come in and enjoy the food and friendship.
Highway Clean-up scheduled (weather-permitting) for Wednesday, July 16th at noon. Always looking for more volunteers to work our assigned 2-mile stretch of US 41 from the top of the hill in Champion to Van Riper State Park. Contact the Adjutant to participate.
Joint Meeting scheduled August 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM between the Legion, Auxiliary and S.A.L. We will be discussing all pertinent matters affecting our operations, and planning future joint events & efforts. Attendance of all organizations’ officers highly encouraged.
Enjoy the summer.
I would like to thank Past Auxiliary President Kaitlyn Nault for her service and leadership to our unit. As your new Auxiliary President, I look forward to meeting everyone in our unit. We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and ways to increase our membership. I am sure you have ideas that you could share.
We were honored to have 5 Past Presidents at our June meeting, for installation of officers. Next meeting is July 28th. Hope to see you there. Dues are due for 2021-2022 ($30.00).
Watch for upcoming plans to help the American Legion Auxiliary celebrate 100 years of service to veterans.
Auxiliary President
Greetings S.A.L. & Legion Family. I hope everyone is doing well. Summer is here and, with that, we get to go outside and enjoy some nice-weather outdoor activities.
Membership is doing OK – still have a few members who have not yet paid their 2021 dues, and we are waiting for our 2022 cards to come in. Reminder your dues can be paid at the canteen for 2021 & 2022. Be sure to get a receipt, and I will get your cards as soon as I can
The Covid Car Show went very well. I hope you managed to come out and see some neat cars and trucks, thanks to S.A.L. Members Greg Grund, Dean Stephens and Tom Andriacchi for all their help with the event.
PS: We are looking to get everyone’s e-mail address, so we can reduce the cost of mailing the newsletter. Please pass it on.
Thanks always for your support.
Thanks for your support, always,
S.A.L. Commander
House Committee
Hello folks. We would like to thank all that participated in the Car-ona Car Show event. It was a total success. Without your support, the event would not have been the success that it was. We look forward to doing it again next year. Brad Prisk, Maria Sharland, the Sons of the Legion and all that worked the event have once again provided us with a splendid time. Many thanks again!
Blood Drive scheduled for September 18th from 9 AM – 1 PM at the Legion Parking Lot. This will be conducted in conjunction with a S.A.L. sponsored Breakfast. All blood donors get to eat free.
We are planning to provide additional events in the upcoming months. Such as Cornhole tournaments, Community Picnic (in August) and a Pig Roast (in September). We will keep you posted on these events as they develop.
As always, our House Committee meetings are on the last Monday of the month at 6pm. If you have any ideas for future events that you want to share with us, please feel free to attend a meeting. Your input is always welcome.
Please bring your friends to the post and show them what we're all about! We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Until then, stay well and happy!
Canteen News
New summer weekend hours on Saturday and Sunday 3pm to 10. Unfortunately due to a number of price increases from our distributors we are being forced to reassess our prices. Please understand that this is necessary for us to be able to continue serving you.
Canteen Manager
Membership: 219 paid. I’d like you all to welcome in the following new members, since last month: John Rickett and David Pudelka (both Ishpeming), Jerry Hill and Tom Chevrette (both Negaunee), and Thomas Zinski (Marquette). Welcome to our Family, comrades.
Taps: We said farewell to Howard Lehto (Negaunee) June 14th. R.I.P., comrade.
NOTE: 2022 Membership Cards have just arrived & ready for processing.
Post Honor Guard is looking for volunteers to participate in ceremonial functions (Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Flag Raising, and Funeral Ceremonies. Please contact the Adjutant for more information.
Finally, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings.
Looking forward to seeing you all again at the Good Ship Lillian.