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                    Lillian Larson (Greenwood) Post 114

                                The American Legion

                                   3050 Co. Rd 496

                             Ishpeming, Michigan 49849




Commander's Corner: 


October came and gone, and your Legion has been active with several activities.  Jacobetti vets visit, Chili and Baked Goods Cook-Off, Halloween Costume Party.  Thanks to all of those who volunteered their time and efforts.  And especially thanks for the gang who put together yet another great batch of cudighi, now on sale at the post at $5.00/pound.


We would like to extend our most heartfelt congratulations to our own Tracey Tippett for being selected  the Michigan Veteran of the Year in October.  A most deserving honor, to be sure.


A reminder that our Post Meetings are conducted the first Tuesday of every month, beginning at 6:30.  We encourage all members to attend and to share your thoughts and ideas for the betterment of our post.


Be safe this coming deer season, and we’ll see you at YOUR post.


David Abraham, Commander

Ladies Auxiliary:


First, we need to make two corrections to the October newsletter.  1) Our Auxiliary Craft Show will be December 12th from 10-3, due to a schedule conflict.  (2)  Our Kids’ Community Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 18th.


We have set up our Mitten Tree at the post canteen.  Please make donations of new or handcrafted hats, mittens, gloves, etc.  They will be donated to needy families thru schools and churches.  If you know of a needy family, we will hang a request in the tree, anonymously of course.  I am sure one of our Legion Family members would be honored to help.  Call Wanda at (906) 204-6191 to submit requests.


We will be accepting donations of New Twin Patriotic Blankets & Comforters for the Michigan Veterans Home/Jacobetti.


Upcoming events include

(1) Wed. November 10th 11-2 PM: Jacobetti Veterans Outing

(2)  Wed. November 17th at 6 PM Meeting:  Early Bird Party afterwards for all Auxiliary Members who have paid their 2022 dues.  Please bring 3 ($3.00) gifts as prizes for games.  Pizza and pop will be provided.

(3) Thu.  December 2nd : Christmas Party for 1st Floor Jacobetti Outing for Lunch

(4)  Sun. December 12th from 10 – 3 PM:  Craft Show

(5)  Thu. December 15th at 6:00 PM:  Post-Auxiliary Christmas Party.  Please bring potluck dish to pass.  Also $15.00 Gift Exchange, if you wish to participate.

(6) Thu. December 16th:  Jacobetti Outing for 2nd Floor Christmas Party & Lunch

(7) Sat. December 18th:  Kids Community Christmas Party.


For both Jacobetti outings in December, we have asked for help from Legion Family & AMVETS Family ($50 from each group).  If we receive all donations to both parties, AMVETS lds & Auxiliary will make pies for both events.


I really want to thank everyone who is helping our Auxiliary succeed.  Even keeping your dues current helps, but I am really looking forward to any ideas for improvements.  Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Legion Family.


Wanda Westman, President Unit 114



S.A.L. Comments:


Greetings, S.A.L. and Legion Family members. As always, I hope everyone is doing well, and getting ready for Deer Season, and keeping warm as winter approaches.


Membership continues to fill up at a steady pace.  Dues are payable at the post canteen $25.00.  Be sure to get a receipt and I will get your new card to you as soon as possible.


 Thanks always for your support.


Mike Michell, SAL Commander, Squadron 114



        House Committee:        


Greetings Legion Family.  As we approach the Holiday Season, I urge all to keep foremost in your hearts the simple acts of charity and kindness.  Veterans and others benefit greatly from these acts, when we are all pulling in the same direction.


As you are aware, we just completed the Cudighi Event.  There are a few packages yet available, in case you forgot to place an order.  Many thanks to all that contributed to the effort (you know who you are and, also, those who placed orders for same.


In early December we will once again be making Pork Pies for the holidays.  A sign-up sheet will be hung in the canteen for those desirous of obtaining pies.  The date for the making pies will be announced shortly.  As always, we can use your supporting the making of same.


The canteen will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. I suggest that those who want to have a meal contact the Negaunee Eagles Club, Smarty Soeltner is sponsoring a full meal offering through the Eagles Club.


On February 13th there will be a Blood Drive with the bloodmobile at the post, along with a breakfast.  More on this later.


Deer Season is also upon us.  Please practice safety in your pursuits of the sport.  You are valuable to us!


The House Committee meets the last Monday of every month.  Please feel free to come and share your ideas of future events with us.


Scott Marietti/Wanda Westman/Mike Michell, Co- Chair



Adjutant’s Cave:


Membership:   2022 memberships  are filling fast.  As of today, we have 167 renewed members, 75%.  You can mail your renewals to the post, do-it-yourself online at or stop by and renew in person – I’m usually at the post daily from 4 PM.


Taps:  Thankfully, we have a negative report for the preceding month.  Please continue remembrance for those who’ve passed on from our ranks, with gratitude for their service to our great nation.


Aluminum Pull Tabs:  In case you weren’t aware, our post collects aluminum pull tabs and periodically converts them into cash which is donated to local charities.  Instead of throwing them away, why not save them & bring them in to the post to help raise funding for Bay Cliff & other worthy causes.



Again, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings. Conversely, you can read the monthly report on or on our website:


Richard Sharland, Adjutant 






Mon 3-7PM  Tue - Fri 3-9PM  Sat 12-11PM  Sun 12-7PM  



(906) 486-4074

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/American Legion Post 114 Greenwood MI


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