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Lillian Larson ( Greenwood ) Post 114
The American Legion
3050 Co. Rd 496
Ishpeming, Michigan 49849





Greetings to the entire Legion Family.  Summer is finally bestowed on our beautiful U.P.  As we continue to recover from the blahs of the long-lasting COVID-inspired restrictions, we hope to resume a full schedule of community events.  Both Men’s and Women’s Horseshoes have resumed, and canteen operations, with seasonal adjustments, are back to normal.  


The Michigan State Convention is set for July 8-11th in Sault Ste Marie at the Kewadin Casino.  If you would like to participate as a delegate, please notify Adjutant Sharland for reservations.


Flag Day is June 14th.  We will be conducting our annual ritual of several hundred tattered & torn US flags, beginning at 7:00 PM.  If you have any unserviceable flags, kindly bring them to the post prior to the 14th.


I would personally thank those who volunteered to participate in the recent Memorial Day Ceremony at the Ishpeming Cemetery and to assist in the reception that followed at the post home.  Turnout was fine, and the meals excellent.








Hi everyone. I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped and was supportive during this pandemic! You all are truly amazing!

Every year we have our elections and this year I am happy to congratulate Wanda Westman on returning to Presidency. 


Also congratulations to all the ladies who have a great position. I know you all can do it!


1st vice- Kitty Kososki Sergeant at Arms – Joan LeClair

2nd vice- Ann Bertagnoli Chaplain – Lois Westman

Treasurer- Barb Liubakka Historian – Joyce Richards

Secretary- Shannon Junak E-Board – Joyce Richard & Mo Hooper


Also as many of you know we sent out poppies in the mail this year. Since the pandemic hit we have had to try a different approach. The outgoing support has been amazing! Keep up the great work!


Kaitlyn Nault

  Auxiliary President





Greetings S.A.L. & Legion Family.  


Greetings S.A.L. & Legion Family.   I hope everyone is doing well and have gotten their Covid-19 shots.  Summer is here, and we can get outside and enjoy outdoor activities.  Our membership is doing well, and we have hit our 100% membership , with a few still unpaid.  So check your cards for the new year.  Dues can always be paid at the canteen, but be sure to get a receipt.  Our 2022 cards should be here within a few months.



We're holding off our Hamburger Night and Sunday Breakfasts until this Covid-19 situation gets better.  We can always use more help, as always, so the same people aren't working every event.


We had elections for Squadron Officers , and they remain the same from last year:


Commander:  Mike Michell       Finance Officer:  Mike Michell & Dean Stephens

2st Vice Cdr: Dean Stephens      Chaplain:  Jim Hastings

2nd Vice Cdr: Greg Grund         Historian:  Tom Andriacchi

3rd Vice Cdr:  Open                   Sgt at Arms:  Bobby Niemi

Adjutant:  Brian Michell


We have several events coming up in the next few months, and we need some help to make the tasks easier for us all.  Stop in and see where you can be of service..


Thanks for your support, always,


Mike Michell

S.A.L. Commander



House Committee


Howdy brothers and sisters of post 114.  By now, most of you know that the post is hosting the second "Car-ona" car show on the 19th of June. Please stop by and partake of the event and all the food that will be available, as well as the the warm comradeship of the event. Trophies will be awarded to those that are viewed as best in their class.


We are slowly getting back on track now that the pandemic is getting under control, and we are looking forward to an increase of activities in the very near future.  As always, our door is always open for your input for future events.


As we go through this year, please invite those that would be interested in becoming a member of our legion family. Without the support of others, we would be hard pressed to continue all that we do for veterans, the community and our schools. The more volunteers that we have, the less the burden on those that have and continue to provide services to the above stated.


I look forward to seeing you all at the car show, as well as in the future events of the post.


  Scott Marietti, Kaitlyn Nault,  Mike Michell - Co-Chairs




Canteen News


New summer weekend hours on Saturday and Sunday 3pm to 10.  Unfortunately due to a number of price increases from our distributors we are being forced to reassess our prices. Please understand that this is necessary for us to be able to continue serving you.


If you or someone you know is looking for a bartending position 1 to 2 days a week contact Maria at the post. There is currently a position available.


Car show the 19th is going to be a blast come down and enjoy some live music outdoors and some fun cars with some great people.


Maria Sharland

Canteen Manager





Membership:   212 paid.  I’d like you all to welcome in the following new member, since last month:  David P. Carey (Ft McCoy, WI).  Welcome to our Family, David. Reminder:  2022 cards should be arriving shortly, and include the raise from $40 to $45. We deeply appreciate your prompt renewals.


Taps:  We said farewell to David R. Jones  (Ishpeming) April 9th.  R.I.P., comrade.


Flag Day is June 14th.  We welcome all to attend the flag retirement ceremony at 7 PM, at which time we will respectfully dispose by fire the hundreds of US flags collected over the past year


Finally, I would like to ask any of you folks receiving this newsletter to let us know if you have a valid e-mail address for which we can send subsequent offerings.


Looking forward to seeing you all again at the Good Ship Lillian.


Richard L. Sharland



JUNE 2021




Mon 3-7PM  Tue - Fri 3-9PM  Sat 12-11PM  Sun 12-7PM  



(906) 486-4074

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/American Legion Post 114 Greenwood MI


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